Did you know there is a National Preparedness Month? Surprise! It was in September so you missed it! :) But you can rest assured, it's not too late to address the subject within your family. In fact, it's a really
good time to not only talk about it but actually
do something about it.
Are you prepared? :) |
When we think of preparedness, our minds usually turn to natural disasters...like hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, fires. And while those are truly devastating, we are more likely to experience the need for preparedness in lesser, more personal ways. Things like the birth of a baby, an illness in the family, surgery, job being relocated, an unexpected home emergency...those types of things can disrupt the family routine but most of them can also be prepared for in advance.
Here are a few suggestions -
1. Teach your children how to prepare simple meals from an early age. Five and six year olds are not too young to learn how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. An eight year old can make oatmeal in a microwave. A twelve year old can make spaghetti (especially if you use canned spaghetti sauce). You can assign each child to become the family "expert" in making a particular dish or two so when something unexpected happens, they are able to help take care of the family.
2. Along those lines, when you go shopping, pick up a few cans of soup each time for just-in-case.
3. Occasionally, when you make a casserole or other one pot meal, make extra and freeze in family-sized portions. They can not only be helpful for your own family but when a friend is in need, you can share those meals with them.
4. If your husband isn't used to cooking, teach him along with the children. You aren't the only one in the family who is capable of making meals for everyone.
Along with the above ideas, you should also be teaching your children (and husband, if necessary!) how to run a household. Children CAN do dishes, laundry and basic cleaning. Hopefully, you are doing this already just because it's important for kids to learn how to do them but in an emergency when you aren't available to take care of things, it's comforting to know that your family can carry on. Not do without you! but get along until you are able to return to normal.
Preparing for personal and family needs is an ongoing process but the peace of mind you feel when you're recovering from childbirth (or can't attend to your family for another reason), knowing that your family knows what to do, is invaluable! It's all in the preparation.
Let's make October, Family Preparation Month!