As technology becomes more and more integrated into our children's schools, traditional bound books are taking a backseat to the educational process. What a pity!
There's something magical about a book. Maybe it's the feel. Maybe it's turning the pages. Maybe it's the simplicity of it. Wherever you are, a book can be a comfortable friend.

If your children's schools are heavily into laptops and tablets, make sure to devote time at home to reading to and with your children...with
real books! Your children are never too old to gather together for reading aloud. They should have easy access to all kinds of books, not just learning books but fun and silly ones too. Start a tradition (if you don't already) of giving each of your children a book at Christmas and/or birthdays...in addition to other gifts, of course. Visit the library often. Have bookshelves full of books in a prominent place at home. Show by example that books are important to you.
Children who read have better vocabularies, writing skills and critical thinking skills. Teach a child to love books and you will have created a life-long learner.
Note - Pictures taken by Melody Frees. Used with permission.
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