Have you ever noticed how often we moms focus on the future? "I can't wait until my baby sleeps through the night. I can't wait until my husband finishes school. I can't wait until the kids go to kindergarten. I can't wait until we buy a house. I can't wait until they're grown!"
Having goals to work towards and dreams to keep us going is important but even more important is focusing on the here and now. Today is the day you are living. Today you are making tomorrow's memories. Make those memories good ones. Enjoy your children at the stage they are in right now. It won't last, I promise you. Find humor in the crazy things they do. Find beauty in your surroundings. Show your husband and children that you love them...today.
Keep your goals and dreams but don't neglect the most important day of all...today.
The Best Visit
2 days ago
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