If you were to spend the holidays with a family in China or Germany, you would expect the customs and traditions to be different than what you are used to. You would be respectful of those customs and try to blend in. Well, here's a surprise for you...every family has it's own culture and traditions. Even if your husband grew up in the house next door, you'd soon find out that his family does things differently that yours does. At no time is this more evident that during the holidays.
My advice to you? Relax and don't try to change them. You may think they're weird (and they may be) but it's probably best not to voice that opinion :) Maybe you don't even like them. That's ok. You don't have to. But you
DO have to be pleasant and cordial when you get together with them. You are talking about the family your husband grew up with and loves. It's not going to hurt you to participate in your in-law's holiday traditions. What you will be doing is being supportive of your husband and building a relationship with his family. And his family is YOUR family.
There is plenty of time to develop your own traditions within the walls of your own little home. Take the favorite traditions of both families, incorporate them and build on them and you will have your own unique family traditions that your children will love and look forward to.
The Best Visit
2 days ago
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