First, Chuck was playing nicely by himself.
Second, Ellie isn't old enough to understand that she was interfering with Chuck's play.
Third, Chuck's response to Ellie was not intentional.
When dealing with young siblings, you have to consider both the older one's immaturity and the younger one's safety. Chuck understandably didn't want anyone messing with his Lego creation. Ellie understandably was interested in the bright colorful bricks. Because Ellie is so young, her safety comes first. While it's impossible to hover over a one year old constantly (and you wouldn't want to do it anyway), you have to ensure that she is in a safe place. Sometimes that means that you put her in her crib if you can't give her your total attention. Sometimes, that means you have to set your older child up in a different room to play uninterrupted.

Chuck is usually gentle with Ellie but he does need to understand that he could hurt her if he's not careful. And Ellie will soon be old enough to teach that she needs to be nice to Chuck too. Lay the foundation now to have a more peaceful family later.
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