A few days ago I read an article in Yahoo News about inexpensive stocking stuffers under (gasp!) $20.00! I don't know about you, but any present over $10.00 qualifies as a real gift and goes under the tree. Filling stockings for the kids with trinkets that add up to $50.00 or more is not my idea of wise use of spending, even at Christmastime.
What is your family's tradition concerning Christmas stockings? In my family we usually give everyone an apple, an orange, some candy (Lindor balls are my favorite!), granola bars or trail mix, some packets of hot chocolate mix, a individual sugary cereal box or two, maybe some socks and a little (and I do mean little) surprise of some sort. Guess what the kids have for breakfast on Christmas morning? :)
Christmas stockings are more the prelude to opening presents, not the main event. So, why spend lots of money on filler that will most likely be hurriedly tossed aside in the hurry to open the big stuff?
A good place to find inexpensive stocking stuffers is the dollar store. Except for the fresh fruit I mentioned above (and the Lindor balls), everything else can probably be bought for under $10.00 per stocking...and that's being very generous! Use your imagination and creativity! Make it an adventure to see what fun stuff you can come up with! Just one word of advice...shop early in the day to avoid the crowds :)
The Best Visit
2 days ago
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