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Monday, February 10, 2014

Catch-Up Day

Last night as I was trying to sleep, I started thinking of all the little projects, errands, and phone calls I needed to make.  Some of these things have been on my mind for several days (or weeks) and I just haven't gotten around to doing them.  So....

I just LOVE Costco hot dogs!
Today I got up with the resolve to tackle as many of these little nagging things as I could.  I got out my trusty spiral notebook, started furiously writing down all the obligations I needed to address and  set to work crossing off each item.  I paid bills, organized my financial papers so I could do my taxes, set up this year's files (so I'm a month late - I said I was behind!), made phone calls and wrote emails.  This afternoon I'm going to vacuum the furnace filters, clean out the fireplace and get a bedroom ready to paint.

Sometimes we just need a day to "catch up".  It's fairly easy to keep up with the usual routine of living but some things tend to get pushed aside.  Most of the things I neglect are little things that only take a short time to complete, which may be why I put them off.  But it feels so good to finally get them off my mind!  Maybe I'll designate an official Catch-Up Day every month and for dinner that night we'll have hot dogs, french fries and...catsup!

Here's to Catch-Up day!


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