February is one of those dreary months where the novelty of snow and cold weather has worn off and Spring seems so far away. There is still a chance of more cold, more rain and snow, more storms, more hassle of scraping snow and ice off cars, more wet boots and coats dumped on the floor...and so on.
The cat stole my sunny spot! |
BUT...there are some uniquely positive things about Winter. Instead of focusing on all the annoyances, can you think of something to enjoy about it? I was thinking about this as I sat on the floor, folding laundry in the "sunny spot" of the family room. It's been raining for several days straight but today the sun came out and its rays streamed through the sliding glass door, casting a warm, bright glow on the floor. I couldn't resist it. :) Here are some other simple pleasures...
Getting dressed in front of a fireplace or heater. Ahhhh, feels so good!
Drinking hot chocolate, topped with marshmallows and warming your hands with the mug.
Curling up with a big blanket and reading a book.
Being the first one to walk outside after a snowstorm and yours are the first footprints on the ground.
Listening to the wind and rain at night.
And, best of all...watching for those first signs of Spring, reminding us that, while it doesn't seem like it, Spring will come.
What are YOUR favorites?
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