While you are trying so hard to be a good mom, don't forget that you're also a wife. Sometimes it's easy to put that relationship aside as you struggle with sleepless nights, fussy kids, and a million obligations...which is why it's so important to establish Date Night very early in your marriage. Just because you're married, doesn't mean you should stop going on dates with your guy. Make one night a week just for the two of you. Even if money is tight or you have a tiny baby or some other circumstance, you still need to connect with your husband regularly, without the kids. Your kids need to realize that you have a special relationship with their daddy too. If you can't get a babysitter, plan a date at home. Order take out or have pizza delivered or make something special for that date and put the kids to bed early. They will soon learn that Friday night (or whatever night) is Mom and Dad's night. And, don't spend the date talking about them or thinking about them either. This night is about the two of you. Make the most of it!
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