I don't know if I'm crazy or not, but I always seem to have a song in my head. Sometimes I tap my fingers or feet to the music and my husband will notice and ask what song is playing. Often I'm not even aware that I'm doing it. Today the song going through my head has been "Thankful" by Josh Groban. I love that song! The lyrics begin "Some days we forget to look around us. Some days we can't see the joy that surrounds us." ..."It's up to us to be the change, and even though we all can still do more, there's so much to be thankful for."
So much of life is filled with the negatives, the things that are NOT going right, the bad things going on, the frustrations and disappointments we face. If we are not careful, we can let those negative emotions control us and affect the way we treat our families. Even though things are tough, there is much going right in our lives too...probably more things going right than wrong if we stopped to think about it. Look around you...see if you can find the beauty in your life, the blessings, the little things that make you smile. Change your focus and concentrate on the good things. Sure, the bad things are still there and may need to be dealt with but we don't need to let them control our lives. Remember, "there's so much to be thankful for."
The Best Visit
2 days ago
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