I often have a song running through my head (does anyone else have that?) and this morning I woke up and my brain was singing a children's favorite, "Saturday is a special day. It's the day we get ready for Sunday." So, I thought, why not? I'll talk about Saturday!

Most families have at least a block of time together on Saturday and what better use of that time than to work together and make your home beautiful, catch up with laundry and other chores, and see that your kitchen is full of good things to eat. If everyone works together, the jobs don't have to take all day. It's nice to set aside one day a week to take care of all those pesky little tasks and be able to start a new week, fresh and ready to take on the world.
So, rise and shine! The day has begun and if you hurry, you'll have time to do something fun this afternoon to reward your family for all their help and cooperation :) (I can dream, can't I?)
Funny, I was talking to Mom yesterday and she asked what I did yesterday (Saturday) and I listed all the jobs I did around the house. She looked at me and said, but that isn't fun. Saturdays are the days to go do something fun, take some time and go somewhere. No wonder I always had a hard time getting into a working mood on Saturdays. hahahahaa